Website in Transition

We apologize that our email and website have not been available for the last few days. We are in the process of transitioning to our new website.
Some links to various files are still being updated. If you run into a ‘can’t reach this page’ error, please check again over the next few days.
Your understanding and patience are appreciated during this time.

6 thoughts on “Website in Transition”

  1. since the website has come back up, I have been unable to log in–it rejects my log-in info. I’ve tried a few times to reset password, but the email does not come to do that.

    • Terri,

      Please try again to reset your password. If the instructions are not delivered to your inbox, check your junk folder.

      If you still have problems, send an email to

  2. Good afternoon,
    I had hoped to order a newer VGS Quarterly disk. Disk with Vols. 1-40 (1963-2002) is somewhat dated. I have not been able to access this through the store. Have I missed out on this newer one?
    Thank you for this great service and publication.

    • Thank you for your inquiry and compliments.

      There are no plans at this time to produce a newer product for the store. As a member, you have access to all past and current issues on the website.

      If you have further questions, feel free to contact me at

  3. Hi Bonnie — I like the look of the revamped website! … However, in trying to log in, I’ve encountered the same problem that Terri Narotzky did: my credentials were not recognized. I then clicked on the “lost [or fogot] password” link, to which the website promptly replied, in effect, “check your email” to reset the password. However, now some time later, no email has arrived in my inbox [or in the spam / junk catcher]. I’ll watch for it over the weekend and email you (admin@) on Monday if it hasn’t turned up by then. Many thanks, Bill

    • Hi, Bill – Email logs show a password reset link was sent to your email address at 6:23 am on 4 Feb. Please try a search of your email for “[Virginia Genealogical Society] Password Reset” (without quotes), which is the subject line of the email. Gmail could have put it in one of the alternate tabs, like Updates, instead of your main Primary tab.

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