VGS Newsletter Vol. 50, No. 1 (2024) is now available.

Attention VGS members: The latest issue of the VGS Newsletter is now available on the website. Click “VGS Newsletter Archive” under the Publications menu.

Census records often contain inaccurate ages and name spellings, but they can also include people who have been dead for years. Read more about it in the featured article, “Enumerating the Dead,” by William A. Veselik.

Before there was an organized town council or incorporated city, the Augusta County Vestry was the entity that presided over communal fundraising and disbursement in the mid-18th century. Prominent men were elected to lead the parish in civil and legal matters. This included the responsibility for upholding order and overseeing the care of the more impoverished members of the county. Learn more about the Augusta County Vestry Books in the article by Whitney Rhodes, Historic Records Clerk at the Augusta County Circuit Court in Staunton.